The sessions were moderated by experienced chairpersons of similar initiatives from abroad, according to preset Rules of Procedure and a Code of Conduct and Protocol, and under the guidance of the Secretary General Dimiter Mandradjiev, from Sofia, Bulgaria. Mihnea Stoica (Cluj, Romania), chairperson of the Committee for Disarmament and International Security of the General Assembly, has appreciated the wide interest of young Moldovan people for the activity of the United Nations. Besides the academic aspects, the agenda of the project has also included a series of social events, that aimed to facilitate the interaction of people with different backgrounds, to foster intercultural dialogue and utilize public diplomacy for the promotion of the culture, traditions, values and general image of the Republic of Moldova.
Being an event with longstanding tradition in the world and a concept of American origins, Model United Nations contributed to familiarizing young people with the history and problems of a country, by the means of role playing and participation in simulation sessions of the United Nations. The Conference in Chisinau was preceded by a series of trainings and an online preparation process organized for the local participants.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, Andrei Popov, Special Guest of the Conference, provided useful advice for the future diplomats and has underlined that “knowing others' interest, being able to listen and communicate, to say clearly what one's objectives are – these are the key to success.” “The role of the country is to create the environment for people to be able to fulfill their “life projects” and to achieve the maximum potential”, added Mr. Popov.
In this context, one of the project’s objectives was developing the potential of the participants, through improving their interdisciplinary skills like: negotiations and debates, public speaking, diplomacy and conflict resolution, confidence building and team work.
Ryan Aiken, Assistant Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy in Moldova, expressed his hope that the delegates will be motivated to participate in Model United Nations conferences going forward and mentioned they are “an invaluable opportunity for young people across the world to engage in international, transnational issues and they give a wonderful perspective on how difficult it can be to try and resolve some truly substantive and very difficult issues.”
The participants tried to find solutions for actual issues, like the situation in Libya, implementation of Millenium Development Goals in countries emerging from conflict, amplifying a global partnership for development, disarmament and non-proliferation of small arms and light weapons in post-conflict states, strengthening of security and cooperation in the wider Black Sea region, and others. The Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on protecting the rights of refugees fleeing Arab Spring and put forth for discussions the problem of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, encouraging civil society and mass-media to take a more active position on acts of discrimination. The Security Council adopted a Declaration of Consensus, that encourages creating favorable conditions for a diplomatic agreement between Belgrad and Pristina. The Economic and Social Council proposed solutions regarding safeguarding women’s rights, general health of population, better opportunities for the private sector and the need for a more focused aid granting, a better cooperation between the civil society and the Government. For a better understanding of the agenda topics by participants, during the three days of Committee sessions there were organized lectures and special presentations by experts from the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, the OSCE Office in Tiraspol, the U.S. Embassy in Moldova, United Nations in Moldova and the academic medium.
The United Nations ad-interim Resident Coordinator, Peter Kessler, underlined the relevance and actuality of the General Theme of the Conference: “Human Rights and conflict resolution” and mentioned that “The United Nations advocates for participation and leadership of the young people […], as they are vital for the success of this country in achieving its development goals.”
The Minister of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Moldova, Ion Cebanu, being present at the Awarding Ceremony for outstanding delegates, declared that the Conference takes place in the framework of the International Year of Youth and mentioned the importance of such discussions and debates for the next generation of economists, politicians and leaders of society of the Republic of Moldova. “Our goal is to distinguish and remark young people with initiative, those who have something to say and want to say it”, mentioned Mr. Cebanu.
MDIMUN 2011 was organized on behalf of the Creative Development Association (community of alumni of the U.S. Government programs), with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Moldova (general partner), the United Nations in Moldova, the U.S. Embassy in Moldova, IREX Moldova, the International Foundation SOFIMUN ( Sofia,Bulgaria) and in partnership with the Institute for Law and Civil Society from Tiraspol.
The goal of the project was to provide young people with different backgrounds with a common platform to address global issues and agree on common solutions through simulations of a multilateral format of decision-making and active participation in debates and negotiations on the agenda topics.
Peste 80 de tineri studenți, masteranzi și absolvenți s-au întrunit pentru a simula sistemul intern de funcționare a Organizației Națiunilor Unite și exersa diplomația multilaterală din perspectiva problemelor și provocărilor globale în cadrul conferinței internaționale Moldova International Model United Nations (MDIMUN) 2011, care a avut loc la Chișinău în perioada 27-30 iunie. Delegați din Republica Moldova, inclusiv din regiunea transnistreană, și din alte țări precum Bulgaria, România, Rusia, Azerbaijan, Italia și Irlanda și-au asumat rolul de ambasadori ai diferitor state membre ONU și au negociat adoptarea rezoluțiilor pentru subiecte de actualitate de pe agenda a 4 organe ONU: Consiliul de Securitate, Comitetul pentru Dezarmareși Securitate Internațională al Adunării Generale, Consiliul Economic și Social și Consiliul pentru Drepturile Omului.
Eveniment cu tradiție în lume și un concept de origine americană, Modelul Națiunilor Unite contribuie la familiarizarea tinerilor cu istoria și problemele unei țări prin practicarea jocului de rol și participarea la sesiuni de simulare a ONU. Conferința din Chișinău a fost precedată de o serie de traininguri și pregătiri online organizate pentru participanții locali.
În acest context, dezvoltarea potențialului participanților MDIMUN a fost unul din obiectivele proiectului, realizabil prin îmbunătățirea unor abilități interdisciplinare precum: negocieri și dezbateri, comunicare publică, diplomație și rezolvarea conflictelor, consolidarea înțelegerii și lucrul în echipă.
La Ceremonia de Decernare a premiilor pentru excelență, Ministrul Tineretului și Sportului,Dl. Ion Cebanu, a remarcat că această conferință are loc în cadrul Anului Internațional al Tineretuluiși a menționat importanța acestor discuții și dezbateri pentru viitoarea generație de economiști, politicieni și lideri ai societății din Republica Moldova. „Scopul nostru este de a evidenția și remarca tinerii cu inițiativă, tinerii care au ceva de spus și care vor să spună”, a menționat dl Cebanu.
MDIMUN 2011 a fost organizat de Asociația pentru Dezvoltare Creativă (comunitatea absolvenților programelor Guvernului SUA în Moldova), cu susținerea Ministerului Tineretului și Sportului al Republicii Moldova (partener general), Organizației Națiunilor Unite în Moldova, Ambasadei SUA în Moldova, IREX Moldova și a Fundației Internaționale SOFIMUN (Sofia, Bulgaria) și în parteneriat cu Institutul Independent pentru Drept și Societate Civilă din Tiraspol.
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