joi, 6 decembrie 2012

Launching the campaign “A detail that saves lives”

Launching the campaign “A detail that saves lives”
By analyzing the number of accidents with the involvement pedestrians occurring in villages of Moldova during the darkness part of the year, we launched a civil action to collect reflectors for a pilot project to increase road safety in Moldova. We intend to collect the largest possible number of the reflectors for pedestrians. Reflectors will be sent to all pupils(students) from the villages: Magdacesti, Porumbeni, Ratus, Pascani Drasliceni and Loganesti, the district of Criuleni where the incidence and risk of road accidents are increased.
In the schools from these villages will take place public campaigns organized by the local public administration, teachers, bloggers, local NGOs, other partners of the project. During these campaigns will be described advantages of using reflectors, but also will be shared Estonian experience in this field, will be shown relevant printed materials and video.
We launched an request and received a quick response from several
organizations and institutions from Estonia who donated reflectors, among which Municipal Police in Tallinn, NGO Terveilm, DNB Bank, DHL Estonia,  Open Estonian Foundation, Lilli Jahilo, Fashion Designer, Eesti Inimõiguste Keskus, Department of Roads of Estonia. Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Tartu, Mr. Tiit Vapper, joined our campaign, contributing with 500 reflectors.
The subsequent geographical area of the project will be determined according to the number of reflectors collected.
In Estonia, this campaign has reduced the number of accidents with the involvement pedestrians during the dark part of the day, which resulted in deaths, from 47 cases in 1999 to 9 cases in 2011.
What is the reflector for pedestrians? A “detail” that saves lives. A small object that by the fact that reflects light, is designed to protect pedestrians moving at night. Normally, in the dark, a driver who is driving with the low beam of light will see the pedestrian from a distance of 25-30 m, which, during adverse weather conditions, becomes 15-20 m at a speed of 80 km / h, it would take a time of 1.3 seconds to see the pedestrian and react. It’s too short time to react. Person with a reflector in such cases it is seen from a distance of 150 m, which will allow the driver to reduce the speed and avoid misfortune. Some additional arguments:
-         Always you have it in handy, it’s easy to find place for it in the smallest of pockets.
-         It is relatively cheap.
-         Increases by 8 times the chances that the pedestrian will be seen at night.
-         Saves lives simply by attaching it to clothes or bag.
Final argument is found in the chart showing the situation on Estonian roads, during the implementation of this campaign:
Each of us can contribute for increasing the safety on the roads by civic attitude and participation.
If you want to support our campaign, please contact us.
The campaign was launched by Viorica and Victor Guzun
Source >

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